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Privacy statement

This privacy statement describes how Habilis Mens en Organisatie B.V. handles your personal data.

Habilis Mens en Organisatie B.V. processes personal data. The conscientious handling of personal data is extremely important to Habilis Mens en Organisatie B.V. Therefore, all personal data is processed carefully and secured. As we process data, we adhere to the requirements that are laid down by the Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming (General Data Protection Regulation). Habilis Mens en Organisatie B.V. is responsible for the data processing. This privacy statement sets out which personal data we collect and use and for what purpose.


Processing your data

If you fill in a form on the website of Habilis Mens en Organisatie B.V., you provide data to Habilis Mens en Organisatie B.V. That could be personal data, such as your name and e-mail address. We only save and use personal data if it is provided directly by you or if it is clear it will be provided to us when submitted. We can do this only if unambiguous consent of the person concerned has been given. If you fill in a form or send us an e-mail or letter, the data that you send to us will be retained for as long as it is necessary, but no more than three (3) years, to fully answer or process the form or content of your e-mail or letter. The data will be processed only within the EU.


What else do we do with your data

We use your data for several reasons. Below are the reasons we may process your data:


To enter into a relationship with you

If you show interest in us or wish to become a customer of Habilis Mens en Organisatie B.V., we need your personal data. For example, we would need to assess you as a potential customer and to see if we are best placed to help you.


To maintain a relationship and carry out tasks

If you are a customer of ours, we want to serve you to the best of our ability. To do this, we need to process your personal data. We use your data to maintain contact with you.


To develop and improve our services

In order to continue providing a good service, we work constantly on developing and improving our products. In some cases, we process your personal data to do this.


To carry out our business operations

As a service provider, we believe it is important and necessary to have a good overview of our customer relationships. To obtain this overview, we need to process your personal data.


To archive our records

We do not collect more personal data than is necessary for the reasons mentioned above. However, even if we do not retain the data for those reasons, we may still retain data for archiving reasons. This means that data will be used only for legal procedures or historical, statistic or scientific purposes.


Special categories of personal data

Special categories of personal data relate to sensitive data. Examples include health and criminal records, racial or ethnic origins, and social security numbers. Habilis Mens en Organisatie B.V. does not process these categories of data. We process only special categories of personal data if the law requires us to, and with your permission or if you ask us to. What if you ask us to secure sensitive data that concerns you or data that you have already made public? In this case, we will only process such data if it is necessary to provide our service.


Supply of personal data to third parties

Habilis Mens en Organisatie B.V. processes your personal data. Your data is not supplied explicitly to others unless you have given consent or Habilis Mens en Organisatie B.V. is legally required to do so.


Security of personal data

We take security measures to prevent, wherever possible, the abuse of and unauthorised access to personal data. Habilis Mens en Organisatie B.V., together with sub-processers, ensure the appropriate organisational and technical security of its files in which your personal data is stored. These measures ensure that personal data is accessible only to people who are authorised by virtue of their work and used only for the purposes for which it was obtained.


Inspection and alteration of your personal data

For questions about our privacy policy or questions about the inspection and alteration (or erasure) of your personal data, you can contact us at any time. If there is an error or you wish to review your data or have it erased, please let us know by sending an e-mail to